Shopping is challenging enough these days due to COVID -19 situation. You can do some secrete thing which help you to attract you customer in your store in current COVID-19 situation. At entry time you must check tempter, no mask no entry so mask is mandatory ,each and every think should be sanitise , and last one is social distancing.
- Infrared Thermometer
- Mask
- Sanitizer
- Music
- Shelf Position
- Free Samples
- No Windows Or Clocks
Infrared Thermometer Thermometer is very important and essential in the time of Covid -19 situation for very store. Which help to check the temperature of every customer with non touching and gives accurate result with maintaining distance 1-2 inch. It have sound alarm and HD LED screen displays clear and crisp numbers that are easy to read.
Mask In the COVID time mask is compulsory and important for life and outing.So many time of Mask are available with different -different qualities just like Highly breathable, durable ,reusable and washable, fashionable and part wear.
Sanitizer In the COVID time sanitize is very important and essential to keep safe from covid -19 that’s why all shopping centre and store must put sanitizer at entry point.So many type of hand sanitizers are available in the super market and store which kills 99.9% germs without the use of soap & water .It is recommended for regular hand cleansing inside your home, office and in public places, especially before consuming food & eatables and after coming in contact with any external surface, pet or a person. So many type of fragrances available Regular, Strawberry and Lemon .
Music According to situation need to play Covid Awareness Music and Message and Cloud Cover Music .”It seems that, overwhelmingly, music can impact to stay longer in the store to choose right things reasonable prize, playing slow ans classics music in the stores customer feel relax.Music effect to Behaviour of Supermarket Shoppers.
Shelf Position Products that turn the most profit for a store will be placed at eye-level. If self position is perfectly arrange then then it will not takes too much effort to reach up or bend down for a product, meaning you’re more likely to buy items that are at eye-level. Many junk foods, sugar cereals, toys should be placed at a lower level, to catch the attention of child and customer.
Free Samples This is probably the most obtuse way for stores to lure you into buying new products. Letting people sample before opening their wallets takes any sort of guesswork out of whether or not they’ll like it. There’s also a subset of shoppers who feel obligated to purchase an item if they were given a free sample first.
No Windows Or Clocks If store don’t have clock, customer can enjoy shopping without worry. When you lose track of time, you’ll likely spend more of it shopping. These days every body have at least one own smartphone clocks.